Why won’t my dog come back to me?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions I get asked, and that is because it is the most important thing to have, you have to be able to get your dog back otherwise it is out of control and can be a nuisance.
That in itself is an offence under the current dog control legislation.
To teach a truly outstanding recall, I can recall my dogs from chasing both rabbits and squirrels at full speed, takes time, patience and discipline.
So where should recall training start? at home in the house. Yes you read that right!
If you can’t recall your dog when a visitor comes to the house, why should you dog suddenly decide to respond when out on a walk?
If you can’t recall your dog before he gets the ball you have thrown, why would he come back from chasing a squirrel?
Our dogs build their behaviour on everything we allow them to do, what they do in one situation, they will do in another situation because they only have the reference points we have taught them.
Remember that, you dog can only do what you have taught him.
If you haven’t taken the time to teach it, you dog won’t be able to do it.
I suggest you revisit how and what you teach your dog, especially the recall/
Why does the recall training start at home? Because that is where you dog has the most freedom of decision and is allowed to do whatever they want, and that is where you spend the most time with them so they get you know exactly how you behave.
If nothing changes at home, why should is change outside? It won’t yet we seem to expect it will.
Let me know if I can help you, I will make a massive difference to your dog’s behaviour by changing yours.